How to Prepare for Corporate Headshots

Whether your company has hired a photographer or you are booking your own, there are few things you can do to make the shoot a success:

What to Wear

Your outfit will largely depend on your industry, but dressing professionally is usually a must. Your headshot will be a representation of yourself to prospective clients, colleagues, and peers. Make sure you are making the right impression! 

Avoid extremely loud prints or patterns that may not translate well in camera. Solid colors work great! Also, avoid sleeveless tops or plunging necklines that will create challenges during the shoot. Most importantly, you should wear something comfortable that makes you feel confident and amazing!

Day Before

Get a full night’s rest the night before your photo session. Sleepy isn’t a good look.

Bonus Points: Stay well hydrated and go easy on alcohol, caffeine, and high-sodium foods 48 hrs prior for a youthful glow!

Don’t get a new haircut or color the day before your shoot. You wouldn’t want any last minute surprises!

Bring to Your Appointment

To minimize shine, you can bring a small amount of transluscent powder to brush on just before your photos are taken. Blotting sheets are also helpful, although if you wear makeup they may remove some of that as well. 

Bring a comb or brush to manage rebellious hairs before your sitting. Flyaway hairs can take hours to retouch but only a few seconds to fix during the session.

Arrive Ready to Smile!

Arrive to your appointment location a few minutes early, hair and makeup ready to go. Be ready to try a few different smiles, angles, and expressions upon the photographer’s request. 

Looking for a corporate headshot & portrait photographer in Chicago? Contact me for rates and availability! I build custom estimates according to your company’s needs. Email me at to plan your next office headshot session. 


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